Wednesday, September 11, 2013

About My Dream

 I had a dream when I lived in Miami Beach.  I dreamt that I was with a horde of people being herded forward by something dark and foreboding behind us.  There were dark clouds over us.  We couldn’t see this thing because we were jammed tightly together and could only walk forward and could only turn our heads to the right or left.  Anyone that’s visited Broadway’s Imperial Theatre would understand how close we were…like sardines.  Anyway, I was in the front section of the crowd.  We came to the banks of a very choppy body of water.  We looked to the person to the left and right of us, wondering what to do next.  Then I looked up and saw Jesus, standing on top of a high rock, with a halo of light around Him, holding His arms out toward us.  I said, ‘Look!  There’s Jesus!  And I very excitedly jumped into the choppy water and swam toward Him.  Then the others started jumping in too and swimming toward Him.  When I reached Him, I suddenly found myself in a classroom with girls younger than I in it.  I was teaching them about Jesus.  Another person, a male from Delmar, appeared in the dream in a classroom of young boys and he was teaching them the same.  The love of the Lord was so heavy and thick and amazing; the like of which I had never experienced.  I was so happy and so were all of the others.  This dream happened in either 1974 or 1975, which was before I became a follower of Christ in 1976.
                              A POEM ABOUT MY DREAM

I had a dream, many years ago; and it was from the Lord.
We were being followed by an evil foe; as we walked forward in a horde.

We were herded by a foreboding force; which we could not see behind.
Trying to evade its evil course took away our peace of mind.

We came to the banks of the ocean; with its wildly tossing waves.
We feared their choppy motion, not knowing the One who saves.

I was the first one to see Him; standing there upon a Great Rock.
His brightness shining out of the dim; to Him we all were to flock.

I shouted to those who were near me; ‘Look!  There’s Jesus!  Come on and let’s go!’
I jumped into the billowing sea; towards the Savior, and away from the woe.

Now I ask you, each family member; do you not see the time we are in?
It’s time that my dream we remember; it’s time that we flee every sin.

It’s time that we seek God’s Salvation; and repentance should not be delayed!
We reject God!’ says our nation; and into His balances we are weighed.

There’s so much violence and hatred; and lawlessness is on the increase.
God’s laws are no longer held sacred; and people commit sin in the street.

Yes, the evil is ever encroaching; but the time of the end is near.
God’s judgment is now approaching; and His wrath will cause the wicked to fear.

Jesus set forth an example; and we are to follow His Way.
Upon Satan’s head He will trample; on that Great and Glorious Day.

Eternal life is the reward of the righteous; if they obey Him to the end.
They will be made in His likeness; and in heaven they will ascend. 

So let this now be our endeavor: to keep ourselves spotless and clean.
We will live with Him then forever; and the wicked will never be seen.