Thursday, July 28, 2011

This acrostic spells out the Hebrew transliteration for Jesus, The Messiah, The Way, The Truth, The Life

Yeshua is the Son of God Acrostic
by Pat McAllister, Feb. 19th, 2009

Yeshua is the Son of God, Who came to set us free.
Eternal King of all the earth, He died for you and me.
Sacrificial Lamb of God, He cleanses us from sin.
He waits for us to turn to Him so new life can begin.
Until we come before Him in lowliness of heart,
All we’ll know is darkness and from Him kept apart.

He desires that we choose to turn from deeds that are not good.
And purge out the old leaven, such as malice, so we should.
May our lives be pleasing in His sight, this should be our aim.
And may we follow all His Ways and of His Love proclaim.
Seek and ye shall find Him, and knock for the door to open.
He will answer if you ask, of this He’s surely spoken.
Image of our Father He did perfectly project.
And if you would be like Him, then His likeness you’ll reflect.
Cast all your cares upon Him, for He truly cares for you.
He gave His Life, what more is there you think that He should do?

He is God’s own unspeakable gift to us so we may know
About how we should live our lives and the way that we should go.
Dearly beloved Son of God, He came to show the Way.
Entrance into Heaven is for those who do obey.
Righteousness is found in those who only Him do serve.
Eternity is theirs because from Him they did not swerve.
Consolation of Israel, devout Simeon would foresee.
He died a happy man for God’s Promise came to be.

Healing Christ did purchase, and by His stripes we have received.
And if in faith you ask Him, it is yours if that’s believed.
Each child of God lives holy and does keep his record clean.
May we remember that to Him all sin He views obscene.
Each one of us does owe Him an account for every word.
Take heed of every word you speak for every word is heard.

He told His own to watch and be prepared for His return.
And if we don’t than we will find no light in our lantern.
Cease from evil deeds and then do draw upon His Grace.
He cautions us to do this so our name He’ll not erase.
A fearful time is coming soon, it’s known as The End of Days.
Yet those who overcome in Him will receive His Word of Praise.
If we’ll draw near to Him in prayer, then He’ll draw near to us.
May we with the Holy Spirit’s help be kept for Him spotless.